Soybean Production in Tennessee
Soybeans are planted on more acres than any other row crop in Tennessee, with over 1.5 million acres grown annually. Most acres are located in western and central Tennessee counties (NASS info). Each year, soybeans rank in the top two for cash receipts for row crops. Tennessee producers have a ten year average yield of 45 bu/ac.
Most soybeans are grown without benefit of irrigation and over 80% are grown in a no-till or conservation tillage system. Soybeans may be planted from April into early July, however higher yielding soybeans are planted early. Approximately 30% of soybean acres are double cropped after wheat. Maturity Group 4 varieties are predominant, while less than a third of acres are maturity Group 5 and 3 varieties. Yields are heavily dependent on rainfall. In recent years, herbicide technologies have played an important role in the management of glyphosate and PPO resistant palmer pigweed and other herbicide resistant weeds.