Corn Production in Tennessee
Tennessee ranks 16th in corn acreage in the United States. In most years, more than 850,000 acres are grown for grain and silage. About 85% of corn is grown in a no-till or conservation tillage system. Most field corn is grown in a rotation with soybeans or cotton, and acreage fluctuates with commodity and fertilizer prices and weather at planting. The largest corn producing counties are in west and central Tennessee (NASS info). Most silage corn is grown near livestock producing areas in central and east Tennessee.
About 10 to 15% of Tennessee corn acres are irrigated, therefore, dryland yields are heavily dependent on timely moisture. Dry conditions during pollination and grain fill impact production for the year. Producers rely on field selection, early planting, and stress tolerance of hybrids to produce good yields. Tennessee has a ten year corn average yield of 154 bu/ac. Across the state, the majority of acres are planted with early (RM<114 day) or medium (RM 114-116 day) maturity hybrids.