Small Grain / Soybean Rotation

  1. The above recommendation will supply the phosphate and potash needs of both small grain and soybeans.
  2. For small grain establishment, apply 15 pounds of nitrogen per acre when following soybeans and 30 pounds per acre when following corn, grain sorghum or grasses. Nitrogen is not recommended for soybeans since it is a legume and when properly inoculated will supply its own nitrogen.
  3. Treat soybean seed with two-tenths (0.2) of an ounce of molybdenum per bushel when soil pH is 6.5 or below. Apply either one-half (0.5) of an ounce of sodium molybdate per bushel or for liquid hopper-box applied sources containing fungicides, follow the product label.
  4. Top dress small grain February 15 to March 15 with 60 to 90 pounds per acre of Use lower rates of nitrogen where lodging has been a problem.
  5. On soils having a coarse textured subsoil, 10 pounds of sulfur per acre as part of the fertilizer blend may benefit wheat/soybean yields, especially where deficiency symptoms have been observed in the past or where plant tissue tests have suggested sulfur deficiency.
  6. When boron tests less than 0.8 lbs/acre apply 1.0 lb of boron per acre annually. Follow up with another soil test in two . (Note 6 is used only when the boron test indicates a need for boron.)