Vegetable Garden (all crops with lime requirement to pH 6.5)

  1. Apply as a sidedressing 1-1.5 lbs. of 34-0-0 or similar per 100 ft. row as follows: cucumbers, cantaloupe, pumpkins, squash and watermelon when vines are 1 foot long; tomatoes, pepper and eggplant when first fruits are 1 inch or more in diameter; sweet corn when 12-18 inches tall; okra after first picking; lettuce 3-4 weeks after seeding; broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower and brussels sprouts 3-4 weeks after transplanting. For turnip greens, spinach, collards, kale and mustard use 2-3 per 100 ft. row.
  2. Broadcast 25 lbs 6-12-12 per 1000 sq. ft. before planting.
  3. Broadcast 15 lbs 15-15-15 per 1000 sq. ft. before planting.
  4. Broadcast 10 lbs 15-15-15 per 1000 sq. ft. before planting.
  5. Broadcast 5 lbs 34-0-0 or similar per 1000 sq. ft. before planting.