
- Each alfalfa sample has two recommendations. The first should be used for new seedings. The second should be used for maintenance of an existing crop. For future maintenance of the new crop, use the second recommendation and omit the lime recommendation until the field is re-tested. Soil test every two years.
- Incorporate lime and fertilizers plus two pounds of boron per acre into the soil prior to planting. For no-till establishment, apply lime and fertilizers broadcast to the soil surface. If the soil pH is below 5.8, seeding alfalfa no-till may not be desirable. If more than four tons of lime per acre are required for no-till establishment, apply only 4 tons of lime per acre and re-test after two years.
- After the first production season, broadcast maintenance phosphate and potash plus two pounds of boron annually in late fall or winter before new growth begins or prior to drilling a grass forage into an existing stand of alfalfa. The potassium should be applied in a split application with one-half of the recommended potash being applied before seeding or new growth begins and the second half applied after the first harvest. For alfalfa-grass mixtures, where alfalfa is less than 25 percent of the mixture, apply 30 pounds of nitrogen per acre between March 1 and 30 and again after the first cutting if an additional cutting is expected. If more than 4 tons of lime per acre are required, apply only 4 tons and re-test after two years.