UT Fertilizer Recommendations
Agronomic Crops
Lime and Fertilizer Recommendations for Corn (field)/grain, Canola/Rape, Cotton, Grain Sorghum, Small Grain, Small Grain/Soybean Rotation, Soybeans, Sunflower, Switchgrass/Biofuel, and Tobacco.

Pasture/Hay/Silage Crops
Lime and Fertilizer Recommendations for Alfalfa, Bermudagrass Pasture/Hay, Conservation-Native Warm Season Grass-EQUIP/CRP, Corn Silage, Grain Sorghum Silage/Sorghum Silage Hybrids, Native Grass Pasture/Hay, Summer Annual Grass, Soybean/Millet Hay, Grass/Clover Pasture, Grass/Clover Hay, Fescue Pasture, Fescue Hay, Timothy or Orchardgrass Hay, Small Grain and/or Ryegrass, Small Grain and/or Ryegrass with Legumes, Annual Lespedeza, Sericea Lespedeza, and Red/White Clover.

Commercial Vegetable/ Root Crop Production

Commercial Fruit and Nut Production
Lime and Fertilizer Recommendations for Apples, Blueberries, Brambles (Raspberry, Blackberries, Dewberries), Grapes, Peaches and Nectarines, Tart Cherries and Plums, Pears, Pecans and Nut Trees, and Strawberry.

Home Garden Fruit and Nut Production

Home Vegetable Garden and Lawn
Lime and Fertilizer Recommendations for Vegetable Garden (all crops having lime requirement to pH 6.5), Asparagus, Garlic, Turnips, Lawn, Cool Season (fescues, bluegrass, perennial ryegrass), and Lawn, Warm Season (Bermudagrass, Zoysia).

Home Ornamental
Lime and Fertilizer Recommendations for Bulbs (Spring Flowering), Bulbs (Summer Flowering), Flowers (Annual), Flowers (Perennial), Ground Covers, Roses, Shade Trees, Shrubs (Acid Loving), Shrubs (Non Acid Loving).